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Name: Damian Ukwandu
Location: C-Ring 411 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 411763
About Dr. Damian Ukwandu
- PhD: Development Studies (UNISA, 2014)
- MA: Development Studies (UNISA, 2010)
- BA (Honors) Development Studies (UNISA, 2005)
- BSc Honors, Sociology and Anthropology, Imo state University Owerri, Imo state Nigeria (1997).
Academic career profile Dr. Damian Ukwandu is a lecturer in the School of Public Management, Public Governance and Public Policy. University of Johannesburg. He holds a BSc Honors degree in Sociology and Anthropology from Imo State University in Nigeria, an Honors, Masters’ and PhD degrees in Development Studies from the University of South Africa (UNISA). The title of his PhD research is ‘The Role of Good Governance in Africa’s elusive quest for Development”. His masters’ research focused on ‘Water use and Sustainable Development in South Africa’. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Public Management, Public Governance and Public Policy before his appointment as a staff. His area of research interests includes the local economic development, sustainable development, development, good governance, public policy, water, developmental state and the political economy of Sub- Saharan Africa. Dr. Damian Ukwandu has reviewed articles for international peer-review journals Administratio Publica, African Journal of Public Affairs, Local Economy and African’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review. He is currently supervising 3 doctorates and 12 master’s degree students and 80 Honours students have conducted their research essays under him. Publications in accredited journals. Ukwandu, D C.2019. South Africa as a developmental state-is it a viable idea? African Journal of Public Affairs 11 (2) 41 –62. Mathekganye,J: L. van Heerden, L and Ukwandu, DC.2019. The nexus between water, neoliberalism and sustainable development in post-apartheid South Africa. African Journal of Public Affairs 11 (3) 41 –58. Ukwandu, DC. 2019. Evaluating the role of good governance in Development: Evidence from Mauritius. Administratio Publica 27 (4) 7-26. Ukwandu, DC and Onyema, C. 2019. Effects of the Monetisation Policy on employee performance in the Nigerian civil service. Africa’s Public Service Delivery & Performance Review. 7 (1) a2-71. Ukwandu, DC. 2018. Absence of electricity as a barrier to inclusive growth and development in Nigeria. African Journal of Public Affairs.10(3 ) 23 – 42. Ukwandu, DC.2018. A critical review of the concept of sustainable development and its relevance to sub-Saharan Africa. Administratio Publica. 26 issue 4. Ukwandu, DC. 2017. The modernisation theory of development and the challenges of development in Sub-Saharan Africa: a decolonial application. Administratio Publica. 25 (4). Ukwandu, DC. 2017. Reflections on xenophobic violence in South Africa – what happens to a dream deferred. African Journal of Public Affairs. 9 (9) 43 – 62. Ukwandu, DC and Jarbandhan, V. 2017. An appraisal of the role of good institutions in stimulating Vain Jarbandhan economic growth and development in sub-Saharan Africa. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. 31 (2)141-164 Ukwandu, D, C. 2016. Path Independence: Lord Lugard and Boko Haram terrorism in Northern Nigeria. Administratio Publica .24 (1)237-246. Ukwandu, D, C. 2016. An Exploration of the Different Dimensions of Sustainable Development. Dirasat: Administrative Sciences. 43(1)1-9. Ukwandu, D. C and B. Izu. 2016. Igue Festival as a demonstration of Benin Culture in Nigeria. Archiv Orientahli: Journal of African and Asian Studies. 8(2)249-267. Ukwandu, D. C. and V. Jarbandhan. 2016. Exploring the relationship between Good Governance and Development: Lessons from South America. African Journal of Public Affairs. 9(4) 20-37. Ukwandu, D.C. 2016. Interrogating the link between Indirect Rule, Quranic Education and Boko Haram Terrorism in Northern Nigeria. African Journal of Public Affairs. 9(4)174-193. Ukwandu, D.C. 2015. Sustainable Development: an interrogation of the concept. Administratio Publica. Administratio Publica. 23(1) 161-182. Ukwandu, D.C. 2015. David Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Advantage and its Relevance to development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A decolonial view. African Journal of Public Affairs. 8(3)17-34. Ukwandu, D.C. 2014. Exploring the cultural roots of the poverty and underdevelopment in Africa: lesson for policy makers in the continent on the role of good governance in the transformation of Botswana. Administratio Publica. 22(4). Ukwandu, D.C. 2014. Review: Sanya Osha (Ed.). The Social Contract in Africa. Africa Spectrum. 49(2): 116-119. Completed Masters dissertation Co-supervisor completed in 2019. Sibran Y. “A comparative study of apartheid and post-apartheid water policy and its effects on sustainable development in South Africa”. Master’s in Public Management and Governance. University of Johannesburg. Co-supervisor completed in 2018. Mokhethi, L. ‘The implementation of the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP): critical considerations for its sustainability’. Master’s in Public Management and Governance. University of Johannesburg. Co-supervisor completed in 2017. Matshazi, L. Masters dissertation titled “Local Economic Development Policy as an instrument for sustainable development in South Africa “. Master’s in Public Management, Governance and Public Policy. (Cum laude) University of Johannesburg. Supervisor to be completed in 2020. Maluleke, R. Masters dissertation titled ‘Variables Influencing Global and continental sustainability. MA in Public Management, Governance and Public Policy. University of Johannesburg. Supervisor to be completed in 2020. Mshayisa. M. W. Masters dissertation titled ‘Factors influencing service delivery protest in Ekurhuleni metropolitan municipality’. MA in Public Management, Governance and Public Policy. University of Johannesburg. Supervisor to be completed in 2020. Ramakgolo, M.A. Masters dissertation titled ‘The role of mass media in promoting good governance in South African public sector.MA in Public management, Governance and public policy. University of Johannesburg. Supervisor to be completed in 2020. Serongoane, MT. MA. Masters dissertation titled ‘Variables influencing the role of state owned enterprises in South Africa. MA in Public management, Governance and Public Policy. University of Johannesburg. Co-supervisor to be completed in 2020. Baloi, TD.MA. Masters dissertation titled ‘the sustainability of the integrated Human Settlement Policy implementation in the city of Johannesburg.MA in Public management, Governnace and public Policy. University of Johannesburg. Co-supervisor to be completed in 2020. Mathekganye, J. Masters dissertation titled ‘The sustainability of governments water privatisation policy framework from 1994-2015. MA in Public management, Governance and public policy. University of Johannesburg. Co-supervisor to be completed in 2020. Mawela, QZK. Masters dissertation titled ‘The implementation of Housing statutory and policy framework in South Africa: Decentralisation as a possible alternative. MA in Public Management, Governance and Public Policy. University of Johannesburg.