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About Dr. Charity Neejide Onyishi
Dr. Onyishi when joined the department of educational psychology as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow since 2019. During that time, Dr. Onyishi proved to be a true scholar and a proliferous researcher and publisher. In 2021 she won the Postdoctoral Fellows Research Excellence Awards and obtained top position. Dr. Onyishi has published more 25 journal articles in DHET accredited, and high impact factor journals since she joined the UJ PDRF programme. Dr. Onyishi works for the University of Nigeria, and her work has a ripple effect of reaching out benefit less-resource learners. Since last year, she has been receiving exponential growth of parents who required help with their children with disabilities. Since 2022, she was appointed as one of the first cohorts of Senior of Postdoctoral Fellows following her dedication to publishing her work. Dr. Onyishi is currently developing an ECHO Education program for people with disabilities in Nigeria, under the auspices of the ECHO Neurodiversity linked to the Centre for Neurodiversity@UJ.