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Name: Dimpho Takane Maponya
Location: B Ring 705 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2734
About Dr Dimpho Takane Maponya
Supervision Areas: Feminism, Gender and Sexuality, African Philosophy, Decolonial Theory and Ethics.
Dimpho Takane Maponya is a lecturer at the University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) Philosophy Department. She officially joined the Philosophy Department at UJ in 2019 as an assistant lecturer. Dimpho recently completed her PhD at UJ titled: How Should We Decolonise? A Pragmatist African Feminist Standpoint Proposal. Her research lies at the intersection of feminism (with a specific focus on African feminism) and decolonial theory. Dimpho has received a few awards, including the South African Women in Science Masters’ fellowship in 2017 from the Department of Science and Technology and, in 2020, the Most Promising Young Teacher Award from the Faculty of Humanities at UJ.
Maponya, D.T., 2022. Religion, Patriarchy, and the Prospect for Gender Equality in South Africa, International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 82 (4-5), pp.337-349.
Maponya, D.T., 2021. The African woman’s plight of reproduction: A philosophical analysis of marriage, procreation and womanhood, Agenda, 35 (3), pp.82-91.
Media Engagements and Op-eds
27 February 2023, Radio Interview on Power FM on ‘Prof Phakeng’s Early Retirement’. Link:
Maponya, D.T., 9 February 2022, ‘Defying the Norm’, in IOL, Link:
Setlaelo, S. and Maponya, D.T., 30 August 2020 ‘A rock of Flesh and Blood’ which focused on the socio-economic issues that are faced by women in South Africa, in City Press. Link:
Maponya, D.T., 02 June 2020 ‘What is Home if it is not a Place of safety?’, highlighting the issues of gender-based violence under lockdown in South Africa, in City Press. Link:
2019, interview article published in The Joburg Post, ‘Can African Feminism Offer Solutions for Gender Tensions In South Africa?’. Link: