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Postdoctoral Fellow
Name: Cornelius Ewuoso
Location: B Ring 709 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2334
About Cornelius Ewuoso
Cornelius Ewuoso was a recipient of the Santander/Ethics and Society scholarship for Theories and Application from Fordham University; an international visiting fellow at the institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Ruhr-Universitait, Bochum; a visiting scholar at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, Katholieke Universitet, Leuven and the Center for Research and Bioethics, Uppsala University. Cornelius was also a recipient of the Master of Science in Bioethics scholarship award of the West African Bioethics Training Programs. Reserch Interests Currently, he is enrolled at the Centre for Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy, Stellenbosch University, Matieland, South Africa: for a PhD in Applied Ethics with concentration in Bioethics. His PhD research is focused on enhancing information management skills of health care professionals within clinical context. During his research visits to the Department of Philosophy, University of Johannesburg, Cornelius will be working with Prof Thaddeus Metz to develop a normative framework – from African Moral Theory – for managing ethical dilemmas and enhancing physician-patient communication within the clinical context. His other research interests include the following: Ethical issues around the management of unsolicited findings in clinical encounters; Ethics of community-engaged research; End-of-life issues; and Applied Ethics. Publications Ewuoso C. (2017). Models for truth-telling in physician-patient encounters: what can we learn from Yoruba concept of Ooto?. Developing World Bioeth. 00: 1–6. Ewuoso, C. O. (2016), Beneficial Coercion in Psychiatric Care: Insights from African Ethico-Cultural System. Developing World Bioeth. doi:10.1111/dewb.12137 Ewuoso, C. O. 2016. A Systematic Review of the Management of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research. Center for Bioethics and Research BEOnline Journal 3 (1):1-21. Ewuoso, C. O. (2016). Bioethics education in Nigeria and West Africa: historical beginnings and impacts. Global Bioethics, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/11287462.2016.1192448 Ewuoso, C.O (2016). Individual vs. the Community: A Review of Jegede’s essay, “African Ethics, Health Care Research and Community and Individual Participation (2009)”. Ibadan Dominican Studies. J. T. Ekong. Lagos, Dominican Publications. Vol.1. Issue 2: 99-104. Ewuoso, C. O. (2015). Creating a Culture of Decency: A Response to Joseph Kenny’s ‘Educating for Inter- Religious Harmony’. Religion in Education. J. T. Ekong. Lagos, Dominican Publications. 3: 115-125