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Chana Teeger

Research Associate
Name: Chana Teeger
Location: C Ring 6 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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About Dr Chana Teeger


Chana hold a National Research Foundation Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Sociology Department at the University of Johannesburg. She received her PhD from Harvard University, where she was a Harvard Academy Graduate Fellow and a Graduate Student Associate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. Her research focuses on how historical representations of racial and ethnic conflict impact upon contemporary race and ethnic relations.


PhD, Sociology, Harvard University (2013)
MA, Sociology, Harvard University (2009)
MA, Sociology, The Hebrew University (2004)
BA, Sociology and Philosophy, University of the Witwatersrand (2000)

Research interests

Education, Race, Inequality, Collective Memory

Teeger, C. 2015. “‘Both Sides of the Story’: History Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa.” American Sociological Review 88(6): 1175-1200.

Teeger, C. 2015. “Ruptures in the Rainbow Nation: How Desegregated South African Schools Deal with Interpersonal and Structural Racism.” Sociology of Education, 88(3): 226-243.

Teeger, C. 2014. “Collective Memory and Collective Fear: How South Africans Use the Past to Explain Crime.” Qualitative Sociology, 37: 69-92.

Vinitzky-Seroussi, V., and Teeger, C. 2010. “Unpacking the Unspoken: Silence in Collective Memory and Forgetting.” Social Forces 88(3): 1103-1122.

Teeger, C., and Vinitzky-Seroussi, V. 2007. “Controlling for Consensus: Commemorating Apartheid in South Africa.” Symbolic Interaction 30(1): 57-78.