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Head of the Department of Communication and Media Studies, Associate Professor
Name: Admire Mare
Location: B-Ring 605 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Communication and Media Academic Staff Staff Members
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Tel: 011 559 3776
About Prof Admire Mare
About Prof Admire Mare
Admire Mare is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Media at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He is also a Research Fellow at the African Centre for the Study of the United States, University of the Witwatersrand. Prior to his latest appointments, he was an Associate Professor and a Deputy Head of Department: Communication at the Namibia University of Science and Technology, Windhoek. He currently leads the international research project ‘Social Media, Misinformation and Elections in Kenya and Zimbabwe’ (SoMeKeZi) funded by the Social Science Research Council (2019-2022). He is also the co-author of ‘Participatory Journalism in Africa Digital News Engagement and User Agency in the South’ (London: Routledge, 2021 with Hayes Mawindi Mabweazara). He is also the co-editor of ‘Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding in Africa: Empirical and Conceptual Considerations’ (London: Routledge, 2021 with Jacinta Maweu). He holds a PhD and MA (awarded with distinction) in Journalism and Media Studies from Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa.
Google Scholar:
Research interests: analysing the intersection between technology and society, digital journalism, social media and politics, media and democracy, political communication, digital campaigns, digital diplomacy, journalism education and training, media freedom, safety of journalists, platformisation of news work, youth studies, critical media literacies, media and conflict, media innovation and the complex interaction between actors and actants in newsrooms.
Recent publications:
Mabweazara, H. M. and Mare, A. (2021). Participatory Journalism in Africa: Digital News Consumption, Engagement and User Agency in the Global South. London: Routledge.
Maweu, J. and Mare, A. (eds). (2021). Media, Peacebuilding and Conflict in Africa: Conceptual and Empirical Considerations. London: Routledge.
Selected Journal Articles
Mare, A. and Munoriyarwa, (2022). A. Guardians of the truth? Fact checking the ‘Disinfodemic’ in Southern Africa During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Media Studies, 14(1): 63-79.
Mututwa, W. and Mare, A. 2022. Competing or Complimentary Actors in the Journalistic Field? An Analysis of the Mediation of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Mainstream and Peripheral Content Creators in Zimbabwe, African Journalism Studies, 42(4): 82-98.
Cheruiyot, D., Wahutu, j. S., Mare, A., Ogola, G., and Mabweazara, H. M. (2022). Introduction: Making News Outside Traditional Media: The Rise of Peripheral Actors in African Communication Ecologies. African Journalism Studies, 42(4): 1-14.
Santos, P. and Mare, A. (2021). The Reconfiguration of News Work in Southern Africa during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Digital Journalism, 9(9): 1391-1410.
Bosch, T., Mare, A. and Ncube, M. (2020). Facebook and politics in contemporary Africa: Case of Zimbabwe and Kenya. Media Culture and Society, 1-16.
Mare, A. (2020). State-ordered Internet Shutdowns and Digital Authoritarianism in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Communication, 14, 4244–4263.
Moyo, D., Mare, A. and Matsilele, T. (2019). Analytics-Driven Journalism? Editorial Metrics and the reconfiguration of online news production practices in African Newsrooms. Digital Journalism, 7(4): 490-506.
Mare, A. (2020). Popular Communication in Africa: an empirical and theoretical exposition. Journal of the Annals of the International Communication Association, 44(1): 81-99.
Mare, A. (2019). Transforming fragile media in a post-coup Zimbabwe. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. 9(2): 98122.
Selected Book Chapters
Mare, A. and Mare, H. (2021). Fit for purpose? A Critical Evaluation of the Performance of the Media Ombudsman System in Namibia. In Fangler, S., Eberwein, T., and Karmasin, M. (eds). Global Handbook on Media Accountability. London: Routledge.
Santos, P. and Mare, A. (2021, in progress). The Decolonial Problematic in Journalism Ethics. In Jaffer, Z., Ponono, M., Rodny-Gumede, Y., and Chasi., C. Decolonizing Journalism Education in South Africa: Critical Perspectives. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Mare, A. and Matsilele, T. (2020). Digital media and the July 2018 elections in ‘post-Mugabe’ Zimbabwe. In Ndlela, M. N. and Mano, W. Social Media and Elections in Africa: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives. Volume 1. London: Palgrave and MacMillan.
Mare, A. and Tsarwe, S. (2021). In their own words: Journalistic Mediation of Electoral Conflict in Polarised Zimbabwe. In Maweu, J. and Mare, A. (eds). Media, Peacebuilding and Conflict in Africa: Changing the Tide. London: Routledge.
Maweu, J. and Mare, A. (2021). Changing the Tide: Re-examining the Interplay of Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding in Africa. In Maweu, J. and Mare, A. (eds). Media, Peacebuilding and Conflict in Africa: Changing the Tide. London: Routledge.
Mpofu, S. and Mare, A. (2020). #ThisFlag: Social Media and Cyber-Protests in Zimbabwe. In Ndlela, M. and Mano, W. (eds). Social Media and Elections in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, Volume 2. London: Palgrave and MacMillan, pp: 153-173.
Mare, A. (2020). Sites of manufacturing consent or resistance? Post-2000 media and political contestation in Zimbabwe. In Alexander, J. and Tendi, B. Handbook of Zimbabwean Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mare, A. (2020). Youth Subcultures in Africa. In Chiumbu, S. H. and Iqani, M. Media Studies: Decolonising Approaches, Cape Town: University of Oxford Press.
Karekwaivanane, G. and Mare, A. (2019). “We are citizens”: #ThisFlag campaign and insurgent citizenship in Zimbabwe. In Molony, T. and Sawyer, M. Social Media and Politics in Africa: Democracy, Security, and Surveillance. London: Zed Books.
Tarusarira, J. and Mare, A. (2020). Religious Peacebuilding in Zimbabwe: The role of the Print Media. In Zeiler, X. and Radde-Antweiler, K. The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Journalism. London: Routledge.
Mare, A. and Tsarwe, S. (2020, in press). Elite continuities and raptures in ‘post-colonial Zimbabwe’. In Mano, W. and El Mkaouar, L. Media Ownership in Africa. London: Routledge.
Mare, A. (2016). ‘Our own WikiLeaks’: Popularity, Moral Panic and Tabloid Media in Zimbabwe. In Mano, W. and Willems, W. (2017). ‘From audiences to users: everyday media culture in Africa‘. London: Routledge.