(All opinion pieces reflect the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the SARChI Chair, UJ or its affiliates)

Opinion Pieces

New publications

L. Masters. 2015. Managing Diversity: The G77 and China in the Climate Change Negotiations. Border Crossing Vol, 1. Issue 6. http://issuu.com/diploflying/docs/border.crossing.volume1.issue6__
Gilbert M Khadiagala & Fritz Nganje (2015): The evolution of South Africa’s democracy promotion in Africa: from idealism to pragmatism, Cambridge Review of International Affairs,DOI: 10.1080/09557571.2015.1058655

Reflections on the 25th African Union Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa

Westen Shilaho[1]

2 July 2015

The 25th African Union (AU) Summit held in Johannesburg, South Africa was bogged down in the impasse between the AU and the International Criminal Court (ICC) following the presence of Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, indicted for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide and against whom arrest warrants were issued twice in 2009 and 2010 (Rea​d more).

The Child of an Elephant would not be a Dwarf: A look at the challenges facing Nigeria’s Buhari.

Odilile Ayodele[1]

30 June 2015

The 2015 Nigerian elections took many by surprise with the seamless transition of power and not much of the expected contestation from the former incumbent. Since the state’s creation the blood of its citizens has watered the Nigerian political landscape. Now that Muhammadu Buhari has taken office the true test of the maturity of Nigeria’s politics is about to commence (read more).

The Arab Spring and Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa

Westen Shilaho

8 June 2015

I had the privilege of listening to Nobel Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei deliver The Thabo Mbeki Africa Day Lecture at the University of South Africa (UNISA) on May 25, 2015. The lecture entitled, “The Uprisings in North Africa and the Future of Our Continent” was intellectually illuminating and nuanced. As a scholar, diplomat and former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and former Vice President of Egypt, his views on Africa and international politics are cogent and authoritative (Rea​d more).

Terrorism in Kenya: A Hydra Headed Challenge

Westen Shilaho

7 May 2015

The spate of terror attacks in Kenya is concerning. This follows from invasion of Somalia by Kenyan military forces in 2011 in pursuit of Al Shabaab terror group militants who had allegedly kidnapped foreign tourists and aid workers inside Kenya. These troops were later incorporated into African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) forces

Nigeria’s Elections: Unsurprisingly Surprising
By Lisa Otto

7 April 2015

Nigeria has made history with its latest polls, reshaping its political history and more deeply entrenching its democracy. The opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) candidateMuhammadu Buhari has won, and his Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) predecessor Goodluck Jonathan has conceded defeat, the latter calling his opponent to congratulate him.

A Marriage of Inconvenience: A view of the some of the underlying issues behind Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election

By Odilile Ayodele[1]

30 January 2015

February 2015, according to the Chinese Zodiac, ushers in the year of the goat. Under this mythology, the year of the goat promises stability and peace. After a year characterised by insurgency and declining fortunes, Nigerians would be happy for this to be true. However, current indicators are pointing to a year that would be full of strife.

The SARCHi Chair participates in a Parliamentary briefing on South Africa’s Foreign Policy

5 November 2014

Feedback from the meeting can be accessed through Fahamu (read more http://fahamu.org/node/1127 and http://fahamu.org/node/1128 )

The original briefing is available from original briefing was published by the Parliamentary Monitory Group (www.pmg.org.za)

Corruption in SA: Impact on Political Risk, Foreigh Direct Investment and Society

16 January 2015

by Khothatso Mokhele

As a South African, it is natural to relate with the excitement that comes with a period of transition from apartheid to democracy. This is a time pregnant with expectation, with promise, and the prospect of a better future

Are Smart Cities the Key to African Development?
by Odilile Ayodele

9 January 2015

2015 is a big year! The much lauded, and in some quarters derided, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) expire. The MDGs, which came into force in the year 2000, are eight specific goals geared towards addressing the different dimensions of poverty such as (list them). Many reports reviewing the progress on MDGs highlight, rather grimly, the failure of most countries to get close to achieving the goals and their concomitant targets.