Research Output
Home » Faculty of Education » Departments » Science and Technology Education »Accredited output in 2021
Baumgartner, W., Spangenberg, E., & Lautenbach, G. (2021, accepted for publication in “Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education”). Developing Algebraic Knowledge: Foundation Programme ex-Mathematical Literacy Students’ Perceptions (EJMSTE-09283-2020).
Chirinda, B., Ndlovu, M., & Spangenberg, E. (2021). Teaching mathematics during the COVID-19 lockdown in a context of historical disadvantage. Education Sciences, 11(4), pp. 177–191. (
Goto, J., Batchelor, J. & Lautenbach, G. (2021, accepted for publication in The African Journal of Information Systems). Pre-Service Teachers’ Acceptance and Use of Formative Feedback in an Online Undergraduate Module.
Kennedy, D. M., & Lautenbach, G. (2021). A pragmatic approach to assessment in a time of crisis in South Africa. In C. McNaught & S. Gravett (Eds.), Embedding social justice in teacher education and development in Africa. Routledge.
Spangenberg, E.D. (2021). Student-teachers’ views on the affordances of incorporating cultural artifacts in mathematics lessons in South Africa. In I. C. Chahine, & J. de Beer (Eds.), Evidence-Based Inquiries in Ethno-STEM Research: Investigations in Knowledge Systems across Disciplines and Transcultural Settings. (pp. 101–123). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Accredited output in 2020
Asmail, R., Spangenberg, E.D., & Ramdhany, V. (2020). What grade 8 to 10 learners from a mathematics-and-science-focus school value as important in the learning of mathematics. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 24(2), pp. 241–252. (
Durandt, R. & Lautenbach, G. (2020). Strategic Support to Students’ Competency Development in the Mathematical Modelling Process: A Qualitative Study. Perspectives in Education. 38(1). p211-223. Available online at ERIC:
Durandt, R & Lautenbach, G. (2020). Pre-service Teachers’ Sense-making of Mathematical Modelling Through a Design-Based Research Strategy. In: Stillman G., Kaiser G., Lampen C. (eds) Mathematical Modelling Education and Sense-making. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling. pp431-441. Springer, Cham. DOI Print ISBN 978-3-030-37672-7; Online ISBN 978-3-030-37673-4.
Lautenbach, G., & Randell, N. (2020). Through the COVID-19 looking glass: Coping skills for STEM educators in the time of a pandemic and beyond. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(6A), 1068-1077.
Available online at:
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Madosi, T., Spangenberg, E.D., & Ramdhany (2020). The values learners consider as important in the learning of mathematics. Perspectives in Education, 38(1), pp. 181–196. (
Ndlovu, M., Ramdhany, V., Spangenberg, E. D., & Govender, R. (2020). Preservice teachers’ beliefs and intentions about integrating mathematics teaching and learning ICTs in their classrooms. ZDM, 52(7), pp. 1365-1380. (
Roberts, A.K., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2020). Peer tutors’ views on their role in motivating learners to learn mathematics. Pythagoras, 41(1), a520. (
Spangenberg, E. D., & Van Putten, S. (2020). Relating Elements of Mathematics Anxiety with the Gender of Preservice Mathematics Teachers. Gender & Behaviour, 18(2), pp. 15631–15641, (
Spangenberg, E. D., & Pithmajor, A. K. (2020). Grade 9 mathematics learners’ strategies in solving number-pattern problems. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(7), em1862. (
Ubah, I.J.A., Spangenberg, E., & Ramdhany, V. (2020). Blended learning approach to mathematics education modules: An analysis of pre-service teachers’ perceptions. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(7), pp. 298 –319. (
Accredited output in 2019
De Freitas, G., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2019). Mathematics teachers’ levels of TPACK and ICT-integration barriers. Pythagoras, 40(1), a431. (
Kotze, H, & Spangenberg, E.D. (2019). Engineering students’ actions in a mathematical modelling task: Mediating mathematical understanding in a computer algebra system. Perspectives in Education, 37(2), pp. 75–87. (
Ramaila, S. & Ramnarain, U. (2019). Affordances of mentoring as a means to enhance self-directed learning. Journal for New Generation Sciences.
Ramaila, S. (2019). A comparative analysis of school physics curriculum content in selected countries. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2019). South African science students’ perceptions of physics as a fundamental discipline. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Durandt, R. & Lautenbach, G. (2019, In Press). Supporting students’ competency development in the mathematical modelling process. Perspectives in Education.
Durandt, R & Lautenbach, G. (2019, In Press). Pre-service Teachers’ Sense Making of Mathematical Modelling through a Design-Based Research Strategy. ICTMA, Springer.
Ramaila, S. & Ramnarain, U. (2019). Affordances of mentoring as a means to enhance self-directed learning. Journal for New Generation Sciences. Accepted
Ramaila, S. (2019). A comparative analysis of school physics curriculum content in selected countries. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Accepted
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2019). South African science students’ perceptions of physics as a fundamental discipline. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Accepted
Accredited output in 2018
De Freitas, G., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2019). Mathematics teachers’ levels of TPACK and ICT-integration barriers. Pythagoras, 40(1), a431. (
Kotze, H, & Spangenberg, E.D. (2019). Engineering students’ actions in a mathematical modelling task: Mediating mathematical understanding in a computer algebra system. Perspectives in Education, 37(2), pp. 75–87. (
Ramaila, S. & Ramnarain, U. (2019). Affordances of mentoring as a means to enhance self-directed learning. Journal for New Generation Sciences.
Ramaila, S. (2019). A comparative analysis of school physics curriculum content in selected countries. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2019). South African science students’ perceptions of physics as a fundamental discipline. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Durandt, R. & Lautenbach, G. (2019, In Press). Supporting students’ competency development in the mathematical modelling process. Perspectives in Education.
Durandt, R & Lautenbach, G. (2019, In Press). Pre-service Teachers’ Sense Making of Mathematical Modelling through a Design-Based Research Strategy. ICTMA, Springer.
Ramaila, S. & Ramnarain, U. (2019). Affordances of mentoring as a means to enhance self-directed learning. Journal for New Generation Sciences. Accepted
Ramaila, S. (2019). A comparative analysis of school physics curriculum content in selected countries. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Accepted
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2019). South African science students’ perceptions of physics as a fundamental discipline. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Accepted
Accredited output in 2018
Baumgartner, W.L., Spangenberg, E.D., & Jacobs, G.J. (2018). Contrasting motivation and learning strategies of ex-mathematics and ex-mathematical literacy students. South African Journal of Higher Education, 32(2), pp. 8–26. (
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). The impact of computer-based technology system on the assessment of physics practical work. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, pp. 3773-3778. ISSN: 2340-1079. ISBN: 978-84-697-9480-7.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). Perceptions of South African first year physics students on the efficacy of laboratory practical work. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Developments, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 495-498. ISSN: 2184-044X. ISBN: 978-989-99864-8-0.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). South African science students’ self-efficacy beliefs – A case of physics learning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Developments, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 502-505. ISSN: 2184-044X. ISBN: 978-989-99864-8-0.
Ramaila, S. & Ramnarain, U. (2018). Assessment of physics practical work using innovative computer-based technology system. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Developments, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 528-531. ISSN: 2184-044X. ISBN: 978-989-99864-8-0.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). Academic performance as an indicator of students’ preparedness for university study: A case of physics. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Developments, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 537-541. ISSN: 2184-044X. ISBN: 978-989-99864-8-0.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). Fostering adequate academic performance through extended curriculum programs. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Mallorca, Spain, pp. 2472-2476. ISSN: 2340-1117. ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). In-service teachers’ challenges associated with the implementation of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement in South Africa. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Mallorca, Spain, pp. 2466-2471. ISSN: 2340-1117. ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5.
Ramaila, S. & Seloane, P. (2018). Academic performance of South African undergraduate engineering students in mathematics: A comparative analysis. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, pp. 6008-6016. ISSN: 2340-1095. ISBN: 978-84-09-05948-5.
Ramaila, S. & Seloane, P. (2018). South African undergraduate engineering students’ understanding of complex numbers. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, pp. 6106-6109. ISSN: 2340-1095. ISBN: 978-84-09-05948-5.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). First year university physics students’ perceptions of teaching methods. In Proceedings of SAIP2017, the 62nd Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, edited by Prof Japie Engelbrecht (SU/2017), pp. 294 – 299. ISBN: 978-0-620-82077-6.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). Soweto Science Centre as a flagship community engagement initiative. In Proceedings of SAIP2017, the 62nd Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, edited by Prof Japie Engelbrecht (SU/2017), pp. 300 – 305. ISBN: 978-0-620-82077-6.
Ramaila, S. & Reddy, L. (2018). First year university physics students’ understanding of units and measurements. In Proceedings of SAIP2017, the 62nd Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, edited by Prof Japie Engelbrecht (SU/2017), pp. 289 – 293. ISBN: 978-0-620-82077-6.
Ramnarain, U. & Ramaila, S. (2018). The relationship between chemistry self-efficacy of South African first year university students and their academic performance. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 19(1), 60-67.
Ramdhany, V.; Venkat, H.; & Christiansen, I.M. (2018). Dissonance and Continuity in the Mathematical Education and Training Experiences of Pre-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 22(2), 186-195, DOI: 10.1080/18117295.2018.1474843
Accredited output in 2017
Kotze, H., Jacobs, G.J., & Spangenberg, E.D. (2017). Mathematical modelling for engineering diploma students: Perspectives on visualisation. In G. A. Stillman, W Blum, & GG. Kaiser (Eds.), Mathematical modelling and applications: Crossing and researching Boundaries in Mathematics Education (pp. 541–551). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. ISBN 978-3-319-62968-1. (
Mavuru, L. & Ramnarain, U. (2017). Teachers’ knowledge and views on the use of learners’ socio-cultural background in teaching Natural Sciences in Grade 9 township classes. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 21(2), 176-186. doi: 10.1080/18117295.2017.1327239
Spangenberg, E.D. (2017). The interplay between theory and practice: Mathematics pre-service teachers’ learning experiences at a teaching school. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 12(2), pp. 92–112. ISSN: 2519-5670. (
Spangenberg, E.D., & Myburgh, C. (2017). Comparing South African female and male pre-service teachers’ beliefs about the nature of mathematics. Africa Education Review, 14(2), pp. 140–155. (
Spangenberg, E.D. (2017). Comparing the achievement goal orientation of mathematics learners with and without attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. South African Journal of Education, 37(3): Art. # 1419, 11 pages. (
Accredited research output in 2016
Diseko, R & Modiba W. (2016). Learners’ and their teacher’s experiences of an authentic online assessment test in the understanding of basic accounting content knowledge. International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. 2, Issue 6, December 2016.
Jacobs, G. J., & Durandt, R. (2016). Attitudes of pre-service mathematics teachers towards modelling: A South African inquiry. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (accepted and forthcoming).
Accredited research output in 2015
Ankiewicz Petrus PJ. “Indigenous and western technology knowledge systems: two sides of the same coin? / Inheemse en westerse tegnologiese kennisstelsels: twee kante van dieselfde muntstuk?”. South African Journal for Science and Technology / Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie. (DHET). 2015. Vol. 34 (1)
Ankiewicz Petrus PJ. “A theoretical reflection on the implications of the philosophy of technology for criteria for subject-curriculum development and evaluation / ‘n Teoretiese besinning oor die implikasies van die filosofie van tegnologie vir kriteria vir vakkurrikulumontwikkeling en -evaluering”. South African Journal for Science and Technology / Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie. (DHET). 2015. Vol. 34 (1)
Cronje Annelize A, Ankiewicz Petrus PJ and De Beer Josef JJJ. “The development and use of an instrument to investigate science teachers’ views on indigenous knowledge”. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (AJRMSTE) or African Journal of Research in MST Education. (DHET). 2015. Vol. 19 (3)
Kyriacou Xenia XS, de Beer Josef and Ramnarain Umesh UD. “Evolutionary ideas held by experienced South African biology teachers”. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (AJRMSTE) or African Journal of Research in MST Education. (ISI). 2015. Vol. 19 (2)
Mnguni Lindelani L and Wolff Eugenie. “The integration of HIV and AIDS as a socio-scientific issue in the life sciences curriculum”. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (AJRMSTE) or African Journal of Research in MST Education. (DHET). 2015. Vol. 19 (3)
Olakanmi Eunice Eyitayo EE. “The effect of a web-based computer simulation on students’ conceptual understanding of rate of reaction and attitude towards chemistry”. Journal of Baltic Science Education. (DHET). 2015. Vol. 14 (5)
Ramnarain Umesh UD and Hobden Paul. “Shifting South African learners towards greater autonomy in scientific investigations”. JOURNAL OF CURRICULUM STUDIES. (DHET). 2015. Vol. 47 (1)
Ramnarain Umesh UD. “Connecting the hands-on to the minds-on: a video case analysis of South African physical sciences lessons for student thinking”. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education. (DHET). 2015. Vol. 11 (5)
Ramnarain Umesh UD and Padayachee Keshni K. “A comparative analysis of South African Life Sciences and Biology textbooks for inclusion of the nature of science”. South African Journal of Education. (ISI). 2015. Vol. 35 (1)
Spangenberg Erica ED. “Examples of cultural artefacts in the preparation of a mathematics lesson / Voorbeelde van kulturele artefakte in die voorbereiding van ‘n wiskundeles”. South African Journal for Science and Technology / Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie. (ISI). 2015. Vol. 34 (1)
Van der Westhuizen Duan D and Barlow-Jones Glenda G. “High school mathematics marks as an admission criterion for entry into programming courses at a South African university”. The Independent journal of teaching and learning. (DHET). 2015. Vol. 10
Accredited research output in 2014
De Beer Josef JJJ. “Die skepping van welstand in die skool se kurrikulum vir natuurwetenskappe: gie twee vermiste skakels / Creating wellness in the school natural sciences curriculum: the two missing links”. South African Journal for Science and Technology (DHET). 2014. Vol. 33 (1)
Jacobs Melanie M and Jacobs Gerrit GJ. “Rolpersepsies van dosente van eerstejaars in die natuurwetenskappe: ‘n fokus op geslagsverskille/ Role perceptions of lecturers of first year science students: a focus on gender difference”. South African Journal for Science and Technology (DHET ). 2014. Vol. 33 (1)
Lautenbach Geoffrey GV. “A theoretically driven teaching and research framework: learning technologies and educational practice”. EDUCATIONAL STUDIES (ISI). 2014. Vol. 40 (4)
Ramnarain Umesh UD. “Questioning the validity of inquiry assessment in a high stakes physical sciences examination”. Perspectives in education (IBSS). 2014. Vol. 32 (1)
Ramnarain Umesh UD. “Empowering educationally disadvantaged mathematics students through a strategies-based problem solving approach”. AUSTRALIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER (ISI). 2014. Vol. 41 (1)
Ramnarain Umesh UD. “Teachers’ perceptions of inquiry-based learning in urban, suburban, township and rural high schools: the context-specificity of science curriculum implementation in South Africa”. TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION (ISI). 2014. Vol. 38
Ramnarain Umesh UD and Schuster David. “The pedagogical orientations of South African physical sciences teachers towards inquiry or direct instructional approaches”. RESEARCH IN SCIENCE EDUCATION (ISI). 2014. Vol. 44 (4)
Accredited research output in 2013
Jacobs Gerrit GJ, Taylor Barret J and Webber Karen L. “Institutional research in light of internationalization, growth, and competition” in Global Issues in Institutional Research. 2013. Wiley. ISBN. 978-1-1187-1435-5
Ankiewicz Petrus PJ. “‘n Teoretiese besinning oor die implikasies van die filosofie van tegnologie vir klaskamerpraktyk / A theoretical reflection on the implications of the philosophy of technology for classroom pedagogy”. South African Journal for Science and Technology (DHET). 2013. Vol. 32 No.1
Ankiewicz Petrus PJ. “‘n Teoretiese besinning oor die implikasies van die filosofie van tegnologie vir onderwyseropleiding / A theoretical reflection on the implications of the philosophy of technology for teacher education”. South African Journal for Science and Technology (DHET). 2013. Vol. 32 No.1
De Beer Josef JJJ and Henning Elizabeth E. “Uitdagings in die onderrig van evolusie in die lewenswetenskappeklaskamer / Challenges in the teaching of evolution in the life sciences classroom”. South African Journal for Science and Technology (DHET). 2013. Vol. 32 No. 1
De Beer Josef JJJ and Van Wyk Ben-Erik B. “Voeding en fisieke welstand as deel van die skoolkurrikulum: ‘n intervensie in ‘n onderwys opleiding program / Nutrition and physical well-being in the school curriculum: An intervention in a teachers’ education programme”. South African Journal for Science and Technology (DHET). 2013. Vol. 32 No. 1
Jacobs Gerrit GJ, De Bruin Karina K and Jacobs Melanie M. “Praktyke en strategieë wat ‘n kwaliteitsetos aan hoëronderwysinstellings behoort te koester / Practices and strategies that should nurture a quality ethos in higher education institutions”. Tydskrif Vir Geesteswetenskappe (ISI). 2013. Vol. 53 No.1
Ramnarain Umesh UD and De Beer Josef JJJ. “Science students creating hybrid spaces when engaging in an expo investigation project”. RESEARCH IN SCIENCE EDUCATION (ISI). 2013. Vol. 43 No.1
Ramnarain Umesh UD and Fortus David. “South African physical sciences teachers’ perceptions of new content in a revised curriculum”. South African Journal of Education(ISI). 2013. Vol. 33 No.1
Ramnarain Umesh UD. “The achievement goal orientation of disadvantaged physical sciences students from South Africa”. Journal of Baltic Science Education (ISI). 2013. Vol. 12 No.2
Van Staden Christina Johanna CJ and Van der Westhuizen Duan D. “Learn 2.0 technologies and the continuing professional development of secondary school mathematics teachers”. Journal for New Generation Sciences (DHET). 2013. Vol. 11 No.2
Accredited research output in 2012
Grobler, R. & Khatitie, M. (2012). Identifying some factors that might predispose drug abuse among learners in a South African township school. Africa Education Review. 9(1), 2012:191-207.
De Beer, J.J.J. 2012. Investigating the influence of karrikins on seed germination. American Biology Teacher. Vol 74(5), May 2012, 324 – 329.
De Beer, J.J.J; Petersen, N. & Dunbar-Krige, H. 2012. An exploration of the value of an educational excursion for pre-service teachers. Journal of Curriculum Studies 44(1), February 2012 (Ref TCUS-2010-0065).
De Beer, JJJ & Van Wyk, B-E. 2012. Inheemse kennis in die lewenswetenskappe klaskamer: wetenskap, pseudo-wetenskap, of ‘n vermiste skakel? Die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie. November 2012.
Grobler, R. & Khatitie, M. (2012). Identifying some factors that might predispose drug abuse among learners in a South African township school. Africa Education Review. 9(1), 2012:191-207.
Petersen, N. & De Beer, J.J.J. 2012. Die professionele ontwikkeling van Lewenswetenskappe-onderwysers op basis van ʼn ekologie van praktyk. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie. November 2012.
Ramnarain, U. (2012). The use of cartoons in effecting a shift from a sage-on-stage to a learner-on-stage environment in practical work. Perspectives in Education, 30(2), 50-61. (ISI)
Ramnarain, U. & Molefe, P. (2012). The readiness of high school students to pursue first year physics. Africa Education Review, 9(1), 142-158
Ramnarain, U. & Van Niekerk, C. (2012). Student naïve conceptions in a grade 12 physics examination. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(1), 112-125.
Ramnarain, U. (2012). The readability of a high stakes physics examination. Acta Academica, 44(2), 110-129.
Ramnarain, U. & Joseph, A. (2012). Learning difficulties experienced by grade 12 South African students in the chemical representation of phenomena. Chemistry Education Research and Practice. (DOI: 10.1039/C2RP20071F.
Ramnarain, U. & Ramaila, S. (2012). Mentoring as a viable and sustainable form of professional development for Physical Sciences teachers. Education as Change: Journal of Curriculum Research, 16(2). (In press)
Van Wyk, B-E & De Beer, JJJ. 2012. Sosiaal-aanspreeklike etnobotaniese opnames in die Kaapse flora: etiese beginsels, metodologie en kwantifisering van data. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie. November 2012
Accredited research output in 2011
De Beer, JJJ; Petersen, N & Dunbar-Krige H. 2011 An exploration of the value of an educational excursion for pre-service teachers. Journal of Curriculum Studies; in press (pp 1 – 22). ISI
Petersen, N.; De Beer, J.J.J. & Dunbar-Krige, H. 2011. “What does it help to take precautions- we will get AIDS anyway”: Using a simulation game for HIV and AIDS education with pre-service teachers. African Journal of AIDS Research. ISI
De Beer, J, and Van Wyck, E. 2011, Doing an ethnobotanical survey in the life sciences classroom, American Biology Teacher, Vol 73 (2), ISI
Barlow-Jones, G and Van der Westhuizen, D. 2011, Situating the student: factors contributing to success in an information technology course, Educational Studies, Vol 37 (3), ISI
Brink, R. and Lautenbach, G., 2011, Electronic assessment in higher education, Educational Studies, Vol 37 (5), ISI
Lautenbach, G. 2011, Learning to be researchers in an e-maturity survey of Gauteng schools, South African Journal of Education, Vol 31 (1), ISI
Ramnarian, U. 2011 , Equity in science at South African schools: a pious platitude or an achievable goal?, International Journal of Science Education, Vol 33 (10), ISI
Ramnarian, U. 2011, Teachers’ use of questioning in supporting learners doing science investigations, South African Journal of Education, Vol 31 (1), ISI
De Beer, J. and Van Wyck, E. 2011, An ethnobotanical survey of the Agter-Hantam, Northern Cape Province, South Africa, South African Journal of Botany, Vol 77 (3), ISI
Lautenbach, G. 2011, Expansive learning cycles: Lecturers using educational technologies for teaching and learning, South African Journal of Higher Education, Vol 24 (5), DoE
Accredited research output in 2010
Ramnarain U 2010 Grade 9 science teachers’ and learners’ appreciation of the benefits of autonomous science investigations Education as Change Vol 14(2), ISI
Ramnarain U 2010 A report card on learner autonomy in science investigations African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Vol 14(1), DoE
Amory, A. 2010 Education technology and hidden ideological contradictions Educational Technology & Society Vol 13(1), ISI
Van Niekerk, E.; Ankiewicz P and de Swardt E 2010 A process-based assessment framework for technology education: a case study International Journal of Technology and Design Education Vol 20(2), ISI
De Swardt E; Ankiewicz P and Gross E 2010 Implementing a technology learning programme in a school for learners with special educational needs: a case study Acta Academica Vol 42(3), DoE