Policy Briefs

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2024 Policy Briefs

PB 2024-01: Oqubay, A. (2024).

SOEs and Development in Africa: Lessons and Policy Implications


PB 2024-02: Oqubay, A. (2024).

Green Industrial Policy and Industrialisation in Africa. 


PP 2024-03: Mensah, E., and Ndubuisi, G. (2024).

Technological Capability and Industrialisation in Africa.


PP 2024-04: Monaco, L., and Habiyaremye, A. (2024).

The South African Pharmaceutical Industry: Can Digital Innovation Drive Localisation?



2023 Policy Briefs

PB 2023- 01: Avenyo, E. and Tregenna, F. (2023).

Climate change mitigation for late industrialisers: The role of technology intensity in manufacturing.


PB 2023-02: Whitfield, L. (2023).

Rethinking textile and apparel as a sunrise industry in South Africa: Technological innovations and catch-up industrialisation.


PB 2023-03: Habiyaremye, A., Monaco, L., Perumal, S. & Tregenna, F. (2023).

Productive skills in the 4th industrial revolution – The South African airline industry: Surviving through smart innovation?


PB 2023-04: Avenyo, E. K., Bell, J. F. & Nyamwena, J. (2023).

Implications of COVID-19 for digital transformation in South Africa.


PB 2023-05: Mathenjwa, N. (2023).

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in African Firms for Potential Export-led Industrialisation.


PB 2023-06: Cramer, C. (2023).

High-Value Agricultural Exports.


PB 2023-07: Bhorat, H., Hill, R., Köhler, T., Monnakgatla, J., and Steenkamp, F. (2023).

Who are the robots coming for? The evolving task content of employment in South Africa.


PB2023-08: Alexander, R. and Krishnan, A. (2023)

Exploring South African Manufacturers’ Relationships to Promote Economic, Social and Environmental Upgrading.


PB 2023-09: Barnes, J. (2023).

Introducing a Manufacturing Health Index (SA-MHI) to Support the Growth and Development of the Manufacturing Sector in South Africa.


PB 2023-10: Barnes, J., and Sachs, W. (2023).

Inertia or Progress? Digital Technology Adoption Within a Group of South African Manufacturing SMEs.


PB 2023-11: Edwards, L., and Lepelle, R. (2023).

Trade Liberalisation, Household Welfare and Earnings Inequality in South Africa.


PB 2023-12: Oqubay, A. (2023).

SOEs and Development in Africa: Lessons and Policy Implications.


2022 Policy Briefs

PB 2022-01: Kaziboni, L., and Roberts, S. (2022).

It’s time to rethink SADC’s transformative industrialisation for a just transition: Lessons from agro-processing regional value chains


PB 2022-02: Mamphiswana, R. (2022).

Positioning the South African economy for new industries: Policy lessons from East Asia


PB 2022-03: Oqubay, A. (2022)

Industrial hubs in Africa and industrialisation: Diversity, uneveness and strategic approach


PB 2022-04: Oqubay, A. (2022)

The COVID-19 crisis and its implications for economic policy


2021 Policy Briefs

PB 2021-01: Whitfield, L., Marslev, K., and Staritz, C. (2021).

Catalysing industrialisation? The role of the apparel export industry.


PB 2021-02: Winkler, H., and Black, A. (2021).

Policy options for employment intensive and low emissions development in South Africa.


PB 2021-03: Naudé, W. (2021).

Late Industrialisation under Platform Capitalism.