Book Launch Celebration: Research Mentorship: A Developmental and Transformational Tool in Shaping and Sustaining African Women’s Career Progression in Academia.

Invitation Book Launch Celebration The UJ Press invites you to join the HYBRID launch of Research Mentorship: A Developmental and Transformational Tool in Shaping and Sustaining African Women’s Career Progression in Academia There are barely any research mentorship books despite many conversations on it within academia and the role it can potentially play in the … Continued

Postdoctoral Research Fellows (PDRFs) Association Event 2023

The Postgraduate School launch its first-ever Postdoctoral Research Fellows (PDRFs) Association event which was held on 25 April 2023 at STH Conference Rooms 1&2, APB Campus. What does it mean? The Postdoctoral Research Fellow Association refers to an organization or group that serves the needs of postdoctoral researchers. We wish to Congratulate Dr. Tshepo Moloi … Continued

The Postgraduate School, RCD unit invites current and aspiring postgraduate supervisors to the upcoming Supervision Enrichment Spring School

The Postgraduate Supervision Enrichment Spring School offered by the Research Capacity Development Unit will provide enrichment and extension to UJ and national colleagues. For more information click here. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Professor Kathija Yassim Department of Education Leadership and Management Faculty of Education University of Johannesburg. TARGET AUDIENCE The programme is aimed at current and aspiring … Continued

The UJ Physics Department Champion

Meet Sindi Xhakaza Sindisiwe (Sindi) Xhakaza is a physics PhD candidate at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). Her day-to-day activities includes preparing samples for her research studies, while she engages with students in different activities involved within PhysicsForum@UJ as a chairperson. Sindi is a phenomenal woman, free spirited, full or life and laugher. For more … Continued

Research Capacity Development

Sit tight and Write Facilitator: Prof Gijsbert Hoogendoorn Research writing is rarely easy, and its challenges are compounded by the solitary and sometimes lonely nature of the experience. One way to mitigate the isolation you may experience is by joining a writing group. The Postgraduate School invites you to a series of research writing sessions … Continued

Annual National Postdoctoral Research Forum

Towards the professionalization of the Postdoc career. Venue: Jan Mouton learning Centre, Stellenbosch University Date: 05-06 July 2022 Time: 08:00 am – 18:00 ( 5 July 2022) and 08:00 am – 16:00 (6 July 2022) RSVP here: Click here to view the Programme draft on 2 June 2022 For more information click here.    

The Postgraduate School, RCD unit invites you to the Unpacking the UJ Plagiarism Policy for students and supervisors workshop

The Research Capacity Development Unit invites you to the Unpacking the UJ Plagiarism Policy for students and supervisors workshop.  In this workshop an overview of plagiarism is discussed, the UJ plagiarism policy will be unpacked and the misconceptions behind text matching tools will also be clarified. Details are as follows: Date: 8 June 2022 Time: 09:00- 11:00 Facilitator: Dr. … Continued


Hosted by Postgraduate School (PGS), Research Capacity Development (RCD) Facilitators Postgraduate School: Dr. Ria Vosloo UJ Press Online Publishing: Dr. Wikus van Zyl Date: 20 April 2022 Time: 09:00 TO 10:30 Venue: PGS Training Room, Akanya Building, APK