
The Institutional Research (IR) is one of the sub-units that fall under the Institutional Research and Planning Unit. The IR department is responsible for institutional research, including conducting annual student experience surveys among undergraduate and postgraduate students, graduates and dropouts. The institutional research provides invaluable insights into what is working and what needs to be improved in the university functions and student experience.

Undergraduate Experience Survey

The UJ undergraduate experience survey is conducted every year with an overall objective of identifying what aspects of teaching and learning provision students experience positively, and where there may be concerns identified by students that need to be addressed to improve their overall teaching and learning experience.

Postgraduate Experience Survey

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) has since 2013 annually conducted a Postgraduate Student Experience Survey. The aim has been for UJ to get a clearer understanding of the programme-related experiences of its postgraduate students, to assist in learning programme revitalisation and improving supervision practices, and to determine the extent of achieving the anticipated programme learning outcomes. 

Graduate Employability Survey

The overarching aim of conducting the survey is to gather and analyse relevant data about UJ’s recently graduated students’ employability status. The data informs university policy and monitoring processes, such as the Strategic Plan and the UJ Annual Performance Plan.

Dropout Survey

The drop out survey was administered for the first time in 2020; it was admiistered only to postgradaute students. The purpose of the survey is to find out the reasons why students drop out of their studies or the reasons behind cancelling studies.

Surveys Dipem