Sociological Research
Welcome to the Centre for Sociological Research and Practice
The Centre for Sociology Research and Practice (CSRP) provides sustained discussion and implementation of a programme of action that links the theory and practice of decolonisation in research and in teaching and learning. In contrast to conventional ivory tower approaches it does not merely “extract” from grassroots movements and other indigenous knowledge experts. Instead, the CSRP prides itself in forging a democratic partnership whereby Black working-class communities in particular are empowered throughout the research process.
The Centre for Sociological Research and Practice (CSRP) was founded by the Department of Sociology in 2000, it was then known as the Centre for Sociological Research (CSR). Over the years it has produced a range of publications and other research outputs including co-hosting the Department’s Wednesday seminar series. During this earlier existence it was becoming an independent unit within the University of Johannesburg. In 2014 the term ‘practice’ was added to the centre’s name. The CSRP is now based in the UJ Department of Sociology. Towards the end of 2020 a new director was appointed whose vision is to take the centre to new heights as reflected in our mission statement above.
The CSRP is located within the Department of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg. Staff members of this department lead the centre. However, the centre locates itself more broadly within society. We do not want to be trapped in an ‘ivory tower’ nor do we want to serve narrowly defined interests and agendas. We see our work as responding to challenges that emanate from beyond our location in an institution of higher education and from this part of the world. We are internationalist in our work and outlook.
Decolonisation is the organising principle in our work in line with the University of Johannesburg’s commitment to this project. Please see the following pages in this website: research, publications and events.