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Name: Emnet Tadesse Woldegiorgis
Location: B-Ring 222 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Ali Mazrui Centre for Higher Education, NRF Rated Researchers Staff Members
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Tel: 011 559 3286
About Prof Emnet Tadesse Woldegiorgis
Emnet Tadesse Woldegiorgis is a Professor and Director at the Ali Mazrui Center for Higher Education Studies (AMCHES), University of Johannesburg. He holds a PhD from the University of Bayreuth, Germany, where he also worked as a researcher between 2015 and 2019. Emnet holds a joint Master’s Degree in Higher Education Studies from Oslo University (Norway), Tampere University (Finland), and Aveiro University (Portugal). He is NRF-rated researcher with a portfolio of over 30 peer-reviewed academic publications, primarily focusing on higher education research. Emnet has received advanced-level research training in higher education from the Centre for Institutional Cooperation (ICIS) at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, as well as specialised training in Leadership and Management of Higher Education Institutions from Maastricht School of Management. Emnet is currently the Chair of the World Council for Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) Peace Education task force and the advisor board member of the Finnish Higher Education Partnership Programmer (HEP) representing the African continent. Prior to pursuing his PhD, Emnet served in various roles, including Head of the Quality Assurance Office and Department Heads of various academic entities.
Woldegiorgis, E. T., & Chiramba, O. (2024). Access and success in higher education: fostering resilience in historically disadvantaged students in South Africa. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. & Balogun, B. J. (2024). Individualising collectivity: Rethinking the individualism–communitarianism debate in the context of students’ resilience during the Covid-19 era. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-12.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2024). Internationalisation of Higher Education Under Neoliberal Imperatives: The Political Economy of Student Mobility in Africa. In Critical Reflections on the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global South (pp. 13-31). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Woldegiorgis, E. T., & Yu, C. Q. (Eds.). (2024). Critical Reflections on the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global South. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2024). Rethinking the Internationalisation of Higher Education in South Africa in the Post-Pandemic Era: Towards a Blended Future. In Critical Reflections on the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global South (pp. 201-222). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Kibona, B., & Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2023). Reconstructing the social responsibilities of African universities towards citizenship education: perspectives from the ujamaa philosophy of Julius Nyerere. Curriculum perspectives, 43(Suppl 1), 165-174.
Woldegiorgis, E. T., & Monari, K. (2023). Access and politics of higher education for refugees: Comparative contexts from Uganda and Ethiopia. African Journal of Teacher Education, 12(2 Special Issue), 1-19.
Woldegiorgis, E.T. (2023). The Dynamics of Globalisation and Internationalisation Processes Shaping the Policies for African Higher Education. In: Daniel, B.K., Bisaso, R. (eds) Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st Century. Springer, Singapore.
Woldegiorgis, E. T & Ndlovu, S. (2023). ‘Nothing for us without us’: Exclusion of students with disabilities in disability policy review at a South African institution of higher education. African Journal of Teacher Education, 12(1), 179-201.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2023). Changes and Continuity in the Roles and Functions of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Creating the New African University (pp. 40-66). Brill.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. & Balogun, B. J. (2023). Combating colonial mentality within higher learning spaces: The case of sub-Saharan African universities. African Journal of Teacher Education, 12(2 Special Issue), 94-118.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2023). Decolonising the African Union Regional Higher Education Policy: A Tentative Approach against Neocolonial Entanglement. In Unyoking African University Knowledge (pp. 120-137). Brill.
Bekele, T. A., Ofoyuru, D. T., & Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2023). Assessing University-Society Engagements: Towards a Methodological Framework. Innovative Higher Education, 1- 21.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2022). Mitigating the digital divide in the South African higher education system in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Perspectives in Education, 40(3), 197- 211.
Woldegiorgis, E. T., & Amutuhaire, T. (2022). Resilience in the Face of A Global Pandemic: Dilemmas of Equity and Inclusion in Ugandan Higher Education. Journal of Educational Studies, 2022(si1), 122-140.
Woldegiorgis, E. T., & Jonck, P. (2022). Higher Education in the Face of a Global Pandemic. BRILL.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2022). Responses and Mechanisms for Mitigating the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on East African Higher Education. In Higher Education in the Face of a Global Pandemic (pp. 120-138). Brill.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2022). The Challenges of Online Learning in African Higher Education: A Critical Reflection on the Digital Divide Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Higher Education in the Face of a Global Pandemic (pp. 11-27). Brill.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2022). Configurations of progress and the historical trajectory of the future in African higher education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-15.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2021) Decolonising the African Union Regional Higher Education Policy: A Tentative Approach against Neo-colonial Entanglement. In A. P. Ndofirepi, S. Vurayai, & G. Erima, Unyoking African University Knowledges: Voices from the Subaltern.
Woldegiorgis, E. T., Turner, I., & Brahima, A. (Eds.). (2020). Decolonisation of Higher Education in Africa: Perspectives from Hybrid Knowledge Production. Routledge.
Woldegiorgis, E., & Cross, M. (2020). Book Review: Re-visioning Education in Africa: Ubuntu- Inspired Education for Humanity. Edited by Emefa J. Takyi-Amoako and N’Dri T. Assié- Lumumba. Palgrave. Global Comparative Education: Journal of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), 4(1-2), 121-124.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2020). Re-Thinking Inclusive Higher Education for Students With Disabilities: A Proactive Approach Towards Epistemic Access in Ethiopia. In Social, Educational, and Cultural Perspectives of Disabilities in the Global South (pp. 235-250). IGI Global.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2020). Decolonising a higher education system which has never been colonised. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-13.
Woldegirorgis, E. (2020). The emergence of decolonisation debates in African higher education. In: Woldegiorgis, E. T. Turner, Irina & A. Brahima, eds. Decolonisation of Higher Education in Africa: Perspectives from Hybrid Knowledge Production. London: Routledge, pp. 17-36.
Woldegiorgis, E., & Scherer, C. (Eds.). (2019). Partnership in Higher Education.Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense. doi:
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2019). Higher Education Partnership in Africa: The Case of the Pan- African University Network and the Mwalimu Nyerere Mobility Programme. In Partnership in Higher Education (pp. 12-28). Brill Sense.
Woldegiorgis, E. T., & Scherer, C. (2019). Challenges and Prospects for Higher Education Partnership in Africa: Concluding Remarks. In Partnership in Higher Education (pp. 203-211). Brill Sense.
Woldegiorgis, E. T. (2018). Policy Travel in Regionalisation of Higher Education: The Case of Bologna Process in Africa. In European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies (pp. 43-59). Springer, Cham.
Woldegiorgis, E., Jonck, P., Goujon, A., & Lanoi, M. (2018). Educational Change and Empowerment: A South African Systems Analytical Approach. In A. Roodt, M. Priscilla, D. Katerere, & S. Hachigonta, Systems Analysis Approach for Complex Global Challenges (1 ed., pp. 230-253). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3- 319-71486-8