Published journal articles 

1. De Lannoy, A., Graham, L., Patel, L. and Leibbrandt, M. (2020). ‘Why is Youth Unemployment so Intractable in South Africa? A Synthesis of Evidence at the Micro-level’. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 3: 115-131. 

2. Graham, L., Patel, L. and Chowa, GA(2020). ‘Evidence of non-economic indicators as markers of success for youth in youth employability programs: Insights from a South African study’. Children and Youth Services Review, 118: Article 105404.

3. Nnaeme, C, Patel, L. and Plagerson, S. (2020). ‘How Cash Transfers Enable Agency through Livelihoods in South Africa’. World Development, 131: 104956

4. Patel, L., Khan, Z. and Englert, T. (2020). ‘How might a National Minimum Wage affect the employment of youth in South Africa?’ Development Southern Africa, 37(1): 147-161.

5. Sadie, Y. and Patel, L. (2020). ‘Zuma versus Ramaphosa: Factors Influencing Party Choice of South Africans in the Run-up to the 2019 Elections’. Journal of African Elections, 19(1):1-27.

Book chapters

1. Hochfeld, T., Chiba, J., and Patel, L. (2020) ‘Sihleng’imizi: The Nature of Care in Poor Families in South Africa’. In L. Manderson and N. Mkhwanazi. Connected Lives: Households, Families, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa.

Reports published 

1. Bridgman, G., Van der Berg, S. and Patel, L. (2020) Hunger in South Africa during 2020: Results from Wave 2 of NIDS-CRAM. Wave 2 – National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) – Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (CRAM). Stellenbosch University. (Working Paper).

2. Patel, L., Hochfeld, T. and Chiba, J. (2021). Sihleng’imizi Family Strengthening Programme: Facilitator Manual, Childcare Worker Manual and Family Workbook. Johannesburg: Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg.

3. Patel, L., Mthembu, S. and Graham, L. (2020). ‘The National Minimum Wage in the Agriculture and Domestic Work Sectors: Report of a qualitative study of stakeholder responses to the National Minimum Wage. Johannesburg: Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg.

4. Ross, E., Patel, L., Sitshange, M. and Matidza, K. (2020). Connecting cash with care for better child well-being: A nine-month post intervention follow-up evaluation of a family and community strengthening programme for beneficiaries of the child support grant. Johannesburg: Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg.

5. Wills, G., Patel, L., van der Berg, S and Mpeta, B. (2020). Household resource flows and food poverty during South Africa’s lockdown: Short-term policy implications for three channels of social protection. Wave 1 – National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) – Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (CRAM). Stellenbosch University. (Working Paper).

6. Patel, L., Sadie, Y., Bryer, M. and de Klerk, J. (2020). Explaining voter choice in the 2019 elections. Johannesburg: Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg.

Journal articles 

1. Dafuleya, G., Tregenna, F. and Patel, L. (2020). ‘The Role of Household Networks in Mutual Assistance and Emergency Relief: Evidence from Zimbabwe’. Journal of Development Areas.

2. Hill, N., Hochfeld, T. and Patel, L. (2020). ‘Cash transfers and caregivers: working together to reduce vulnerability and HIV risk among adolescent girls in Johannesburg, South Africa’. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk.

3. Hunter, W., Patel, L. and Sugiyama, B. (2020). ‘How Family and Cash Transfers Can Empower Women: Comparative Lessons from Brazil and South Africa’. Global Social Policy.

4. Patel, L. and Ross, E. (2020). ‘Connecting Cash Transfers with Care for Better Child and Family Well-being’. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.


1. Patel, L., Plagerson, S. and Chinyoka, I. (eds.) (in progress). Handbook on Social Protection and Social Development in the Global South. Edward Elgar.

Media engagement (science of engagement)

Patel, L. (May 2020). Headline: Driving innovation through a Communality of Practice (CoP). Online – Source – University of Johannesburg.

Patel, L. (July 2020). Living on the edge. Financial Mail (print).

Patel, L. (July 2020). Covid-19`s Impact: Overview Chapter of the 2020 Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey, Results and Findings (NIDS CRAM). Daily Maverick.

Patel, L. (July 2020). Living on the edge (NIDS CRAM). Business Live

Patel, L. (July 2020). Covid-19 studies paint horrifying picture of jobs, food crisis. Herald LIVE.

Patel, L. (July 2020). Covid-19 studies paint horrifying picture of jobs, food crisis. Times Select.

Patel, L. (July 2020). Professor Leila Patel contributes to crucial study on household hunger amid COVID-19. Source – University of Johannesburg.

Patel, L. (July 2020). South Africa faces mass hunger if efforts to offset impact of Covid-19 are eased. All for Women.

Patel, L. (July 2020). South Africa faces mass hunger if efforts to offset impact of Covid-19 are eased. Polity.

Patel, L. (July 2020). ANALYSIS: SA faces mass hunger if efforts to offset impact of COVID-19 are eased. Eyewitness News.

Patel, L. (July 2020). News – SA could face mass hunger. Source – Stellenbosch University.

Patel, L. (July 2020). South Africa faces mass hunger if the lockdown efforts to offset the impact of Covid-19 are eased. IOL.

Patel, L. (September 2020). NIDS-CRAM. Daily Maverick.

Patel, L. (September 2020). Professor Leila Patel`s research chair renewed for another five years. Source – University of Johannesburg.