Professor Patel has published extensively throughout her career on topics ranging from social welfare policy, social protection, gender, care, the social services and children and youth.

Below please find all her publications and book chapters published in 2019:

  1. Baldry, K., Patel, L. and Ross, E. (2019).  A Comparative case study of well-being in a rural versus an urban coal mining community in Mpumalanga, South Africa. International Journal of Happiness and Development, 5(2): 95-114.
  2. Plagerson, S., Patel, L., Hochfeld, T, & Ulriksen, M.S. (2019). Social Policy in South Africa: Navigating the Route to Social Development. World Development, Elsevier, vol. 113 (C): 1-9. 
  3. Patel, L; Hochfeld, T & Chiba, J. (2019). Perspectives of South African Caregivers in Receipt of Child Support Grants: Implications for Family Strengthening Interventions. International Journal of Social Welfare.  0:1-11.
  4. Masa, R; Graham, L; Khan, Z; Chowa, G and Patel, L (2019). Food Insecurity, Sexual Risk Taking, and Sexual Victimization in Ghanian Adolescents and Young South African Adults. International Journal of Public Health (2019) 64: 153-163 
  5. Plagerson, S. & Patel, L (2019). Welfare regimes in the Global South: does the capability approach provide an alternative perspective?, Journal of Poverty & Social Justice (2019).
  6. Patel, L. (2019). Gender: Toward Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction. In Midgely, J., Surrender, R. and Alfers, L. (2019). Handbook of Social Policy and Development. Oxford: University of Oxford, UK.
  7. Patel, L. (2019) Social Development, Management and Supervision of Social Workers in L.K. Englebrecht (Ed). Management and Supervision of Social Workers: Issues and Challenges Within a Social Development Paradigm. Second edition. Cengage Learning: Hampshire
  8. Book review published in The International Journal of Community and Social Development (2019) of book published by Patel, L and M.S Ulriksen (Eds) (2017). Development, Social Policy and Community Action: Lessons from Below. Cape Town. HSRC Press.