UJ Marketing's Visiting and Distinguished Professors
Prof. Nripendra P. Rana
Distinguished Visiting Professor
Google Scholar Professor Nripendra P. Rana
Prof Göran Svensson
Visiting Professor (Norway)
Google Scholar Professor Göran Svensson
Prof Jukka Ojasalo
Visiting Professor (Finland)
Google Scholar Professor Jukka Ojasalo
UJ Marketing's scholars' most impactful research publications*
*Selected publications taken from Google Scholar based on number of citations and research themes.
Mobile Marketing Research
DK Maduku, M Mpinganjira, H Duh
International Journal of Information Management 36 (5), 711-723
DK Maduku, M Mpinganjira
Journal of Contemporary Management 9 (1), 172-189
DJ Petzer, CF De Meyer
Academic Journals
Services Marketing Research
Use of e-government services: the role of trust
M Mpinganjira
International Journal of Emerging Markets 10 (4), 622-633
Service receivers’ negative emotions in airline and hospital service settings
DJ Petzer, CF De Meyer, S Svari, G Svensson
Journal of Services Marketing 26 (7), 484-496
Trials and tribulations: marketing in modern South Africa
DJ Petzer, CF De Meyer
European Business Review 25 (4), 382-390
TFJ Steyn, PG Mostert, CF De Meyer, LRJ Van Rensburg
Journal of Management Policy and Practice 12 (5), 105-114
Retail Research
N Chiliya, G Herbst, M Roberts-Lombard
African Journal of Business Management 3 (3), 070-079
An investigation of perceived service quality in online shopping: A hierarchical approach
M Mpinganjira
Journal of Applied Business Research 31 (1), 115
M Mpinganjira
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 7 (1), 36
Predicting retail banking customers’ attitude towards Internet banking services in South Africa
DK Maduku
Southern African Business Review 17 (3), 76-100
Customers’ adoption and use of e-banking services: the South African perspective
DK Maduku
Banks and bank systems 9 (2), 66-77
Customer Relationship Marketing Research
Employees as customers An internal marketing study of the Avis car rental group in South Africa
M Roberts-Lombard
African Journal of Business Management 4 (4), 62-372
T Van Vuuren, M Roberts-Lombard, E Van Tonder
Southern African Business Review 16 (3), 81-96
M Roberts-Lombard
African journal of marketing management 1 (2), 070-080
M Roberts-Lombard
African journal of business management 5 (9), 3487-3496
Customer relationship management (CRM) in a South African service environment: an exploratory study
M Roberts-Lombard, L Du Plessis
African Journal of Marketing Management 4 (4), 152-165
Understanding online repeat purchase intentions: A relationship marketing perspective
M Mpinganjira
Management: journal of contemporary management issues 19 (2), 117-135
South African Higher Education Research
The effectiveness of board game learning as an educational tool in employee development.
M Wait, M Frazer
Global Business and Technology Association
Work Integrated Learning benefits for student career prospects–mixed mode analysis
CM Govender, M Wait
South African Journal of Higher Education 31 (5), 49-64
I Lubbe
University of Johannesburg
L De Bruin-Reynolds, M Roberts-Lombard, C de Meyer
Journal of Global Business and Technology 11 (1), 24-38
Comparative analysis of factors influencing the decision to study abroad
M Mpinganjira
African Journal of Business Management 3 (8), 358-365
Retaining Africa’s talent: the role of Africa’s higher education
M Mpinganjira
International journal of emerging markets 6 (2), 168-179