UJ Marketing's Visiting and Distinguished Professors

Prof. Nripendra P. Rana

Prof Nripendra P. Rana

Distinguished Visiting Professor
Google Scholar Professor Nripendra P. Rana

Prof Göran Svensson

Prof Göran Svensson
Visiting Professor (Norway)
​Google Scholar Professor Göran Svensson

Prof Jukka Ojasalo

Prof Jukka Ojasalo
​Visiting Professor (Finland)
Google Scholar Professor Jukka Ojasalo

UJ Marketing's scholars' most impactful research publications*

*Selected publications taken from Google Scholar based on number of citations and research themes.

Mobile Marketing Research

Understanding mobile marketing adoption intention by South African SMEs: A multi-perspective framework

DK Maduku, M Mpinganjira, H Duh

International Journal of Information Management 36 (5), 711-723

Services Marketing Research

Use of e-government services: the role of trust

M Mpinganjira

International Journal of Emerging Markets 10 (4), 622-633

Service receivers’ negative emotions in airline and hospital service settings

DJ Petzer, CF De Meyer, S Svari, G Svensson

Journal of Services Marketing 26 (7), 484-496

Trials and tribulations: marketing in modern South Africa

DJ Petzer, CF De Meyer

European Business Review 25 (4), 382-390

The effect of service failure and recovery on airline-passenger relationships: a comparison between South African and United States airline passengers

TFJ Steyn, PG Mostert, CF De Meyer, LRJ Van Rensburg

Journal of Management Policy and Practice 12 (5), 105-114

Retail Research

The impact of marketing strategies on profitability of small grocery shops in South African townships

N Chiliya, G Herbst, M Roberts-Lombard

African Journal of Business Management 3 (3), 070-079

An investigation of perceived service quality in online shopping: A hierarchical approach

M Mpinganjira

Journal of Applied Business Research 31 (1), 115

Customer Relationship Marketing Research

Employees as customers An internal marketing study of the Avis car rental group in South Africa

M Roberts-Lombard

African Journal of Business Management 4 (4), 62-372

Customer satisfaction, trust and commitment as predictors of customer loyalty within an optometric practice environment

T Van Vuuren, M Roberts-Lombard, E Van Tonder

Southern African Business Review 16 (3), 81-96

Customer relationship management (CRM) in a South African service environment: an exploratory study

M Roberts-Lombard, L Du Plessis

African Journal of Marketing Management 4 (4), 152-165

Understanding online repeat purchase intentions: A relationship marketing perspective

M Mpinganjira

Management: journal of contemporary management issues 19 (2), 117-135

South African Higher Education Research

Work Integrated Learning benefits for student career prospects–mixed mode analysis

CM Govender, M Wait

South African Journal of Higher Education 31 (5), 49-64

The traditional internal marketing mix and its perceived influence on graduate employee satisfaction in an emerging economy

L De Bruin-Reynolds, M Roberts-Lombard, C de Meyer

Journal of Global Business and Technology 11 (1), 24-38

Comparative analysis of factors influencing the decision to study abroad

M Mpinganjira

African Journal of Business Management 3 (8), 358-365

Retaining Africa’s talent: the role of Africa’s higher education

M Mpinganjira

International journal of emerging markets 6 (2), 168-179