YOU ARE INVITED: Special Lecture

Part 1: Sustainability and Interdisciplinary Research – why, how and by whom Part 2: Introduction to Postdoctoral Fellowships at Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo Please click on Zoom link –  to register for the event. Once registered, you will receive an email with instructions to join the event virtually.

WORLD CAFÉ – “Zebras: Are they just horses in striped pajamas?”

“An exploration into what makes zebras special, why they show so much variation and flexibility in how they respond to environmental variation and how their adaptability affects how they respond to human landscape impacts”. DATE Wednesday 26 April 2023 TIME 14:00 – 15:00 (SAST), 8:00 – 09:00 (US) ZOOM REGISTRATION LINK Once you have … Continued

WORLD CAFÉ – Substance Use and Addiction among Youth: An evolving epidemic

The University of Johannesburg in partnership with the University of Iowa invites you to a conversation titled: WORLD CAFÉ – Substance Use and Addiction among Youth: An evolving epidemic DATE: Wednesday 22 March 2023 TIME: 16:00 – 18:00 (SAST), 9:00 – 11:00 (CST) ZOOM REGISTRATION LINK: Once you have registered, you will receive an … Continued

Lecture – “Flexible Electronics+”: Empowering Global Innovation in Disruptive Technologies for a Sustainable Future

Prof HUANG Wei is an eminent academic and the current President of the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific
(FEIAP). He has published more than 900 papers in world leading scientific journals such as Nature, Nature Electronics, Nature Energy, Nature
Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Research etc. with over 100,000 international citations and an h-index of 160. He is the most cited Researcher in the field of material science and chemistry (Clarivate Analytics). He has held over 360 patents in the USA, Singapore, and China, etc.

Prof Wei intends sharing his knowledge and experience in the Sciences, Innovation and Technology with a broader outlook on future sustainability.

WORLD CAFÉ – Racism and Apartheid in South Africa and the United States

The University of Johannesburg in partnership with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign invites you to a conversation titled WORLD CAFÉ – Racism and Apartheid in South Africa and the United States Date: Wednesday 23 March 2022 Time: 16:30 – 18:00 (SAST), 9:30-11:00am Central Daylight Time (CDT) Zoom link: SPEAKERS Prof Natasha Erlank, Professor, Department of … Continued