The University of Johannesburg Library and SciDev.Net invites you
to celebrate a partnership around Role Models encouraging women to stay in careers in science and technology.
SciDev.Net is the world’s leading source of reliable and authoritative news, views and analysis about science
and technology for global development. The UJ partnership with SciDev.Net relates to content sharing
around the Role Models campaign supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
The Role Models series has been running since 2018. It is easier for a male to reach a senior position in
research and policy than for a female in many societies. To help overcome this gender bias, SciDev.Net
launched Role models – a series of articles profiling successful female innovators and scientists. The articles
and episodes of SciDev.Net’s Africa Science Focus podcast give aspiring young female researchers the proof
that they can achieve as much as their male counterparts and also highlight the barriers faced by women.
Fiona Broom – SciDev.Net, Deputy Editor: Features and Podcasts
Fiona is an Australian/British journalist who has reported worldwide for international news outlets. She
completed an MSc in Environmental Management in 2019, with a dissertation on environmental peacebuilding,
conservation and conflict. Fiona joined SciDev.Net’s editorial team just weeks before the global COVID-19
outbreak in February 2020.
Prof Maria Frahm-Arp – Executive Director, University of Johannesburg (UJ) Library. Maria has a PhD from
the University of Warwick. Her field of interest is Pentecostal Churches in South Africa, and she has written
two books, several book chapters and numerous articles on the topic.
DATE: Tuesday, 24 May 2022
TIME: 15:00–16:00 (CAT)
PLATFORM Virtually via Zoom. Join the online conversation here: https://zoom.us/j/93907035259

VENUE University of Johannesburg Library, Nadine Gordimer Auditorium, Level 5, Auckland Park Campus,
Corner Kingsway & University Road, Auckland Park, Johannesburg.
ACCESS ONTO CAMPUS: Bring a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination certificate/card. An electronic copy will be accepted.

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May 24, 2022

Disclaimer: The University of Johannesburg encourages academic debate and discussion that are conducted in a manner that upholds respectful interaction, safety of all involved, and freedom of association as enshrined in the law, the Constitution, and within the boundaries of the University policies. The views expressed during events are expressed in a personal capacity and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Johannesburg.

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