INVITATION : ‘2021 Local Government Elections: Reflections and Long-term Implications’
The City of Johannesburg (CoJ) Economic Development Department (EDD) and
Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) in collaboration with the University of
Johannesburg invites you to a colloquia on:
‘2021 Local Government Elections: Reflections
and Long-term Implications’
Guest Speakers:
Diale Josiah Lodi, Chief Director: Integrated Development and Spatial Planning
from the Gauteng Department of Urban Planning and Cooperative Governance
and Traditional Affairs.
Prof Mcebisi Ndleyana, Politics and International Relations: Faculty of
Humanities, UJ.
Cllr Loyiso Lugayeni Masuku: City of Johannesburg
Facilitator: Dr Bhaso Ndzendze, HOD: Department of Politics and International
Relations (DPIR) and HOD, 4IR and Digital Policy Research Unit (4DPRU): Faculty
of Humanities, UJ
Date: 21 April 2022
Time: 14:0015:30 (CAT)
Join the online conversation here:
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