Early Career/Emerging Researcher: Tips for Excellence Seminar
The Postgraduate School, RCD unit invites you to an Early Career/Emerging Researcher: Tips for Excellence Seminar presented by Professor Nnamdi Nwulu.
Date: 26 April 2023
Time: 12:00-14:00
Target Group: PG Diploma, Honours, Coursework Masters, Research Masters, PhD Research students, Supervisors, Support staff, Academics, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Research Associate Fellows.
Zoom Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gUuvG0pPRX-sLSk9a-tcUA
Once you have registered, you will receive an email with details to join the virtual discussion.
Nnamdi Nwulu holds the DSI-NRF/ Swiss Bilateral Chair in Blockchain Technology (SARChI Chair) and is a Professor of Sustainable Cyber-Physical Engineering Systems. Prof Nwulu is the Director of the Centre for Cyber-Physical Food, Energy & Water Systems (CCP-FEWS) at the University of Johannesburg and the Acting Head of School, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Johannesburg. Prof Nwulu’s research focuses on Food, Energy, and Water Systems (FEWS) and the inherent nexus between all three. Specifically, his research focuses on applying FEW-N thinking, digital technologies, mathematical optimisation techniques, and machine learning algorithms in food, energy, and water systems.
This research focus has produced several books, inventions, and over 170 publications, winning him the 2021 NRF Research Excellence Award for Early Career/Emerging Researchers in Engineering/Technology. He was also a 2020/2021 TW Kambule-NSTF-South32 Award finalist in the Emerging Researcher category and won the 2020 UJ Vice-Chancellors’ most promising young researcher award. He is a member of the prestigious South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS).
Prof Nwulu has received several research grants worth over R25 Million from governmental and private funders. In 2022, Prof Nwulu led a consortium of academics in Greece, France & South Africa to receive funding of 796 378.00 EUR from the European Union. Prof Nwulu was announced in December 2022 as the South Africa/Switzerland (SA-Swiss) Bilateral Research Chair in Blockchain Technology. Prof Nwulu is a Professional Engineer registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE), a Senior Member of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SMSAIEE) and a Y-rated Researcher by the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
Prof. Nwulu is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Digital Food Energy and Water Systems (JD-FEWS), Associate Editor of the IET Renewable Power Generation (IET-RPG) and the African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID).
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