Public Lectures

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First Semester

NameDepartmentSpeakerTopic/Theme/TitleWatch Now
Friday, 18 MarACSSEDr Jaco du ToitAn extremely vulnerable IoT environment.YouTube
Friday, 25 MarBiochemistryProf Justin van der HooftBoosting Metabolite Annotation Rates in BioAnalytical Chemistry Studies by 4IR Computational MetabolomicsYouTube
Wednesday, 20 AprilGEMESProf KibangouOpportunities and Challenges of flexible mobility in modern citiesUJ LibGuides
Friday, 22 AprilBiochemistryDr Desire Lee DaltonIntroduction to animal forensicsYouTube
Wednesday, 4 MayACSSEMrLebea Khutso“You. The Product”
Wednesday, 11 MayBiochemistryDr Hannah SimbaEsophageal Cancer in Africa – current status of researchYouTube
Friday, 13 MayGEMESProf Gijsbert HoogendoornClimate change, Tourism and the Fourth Industrial RevolutionUJ LibGuides
Friday, 20 MayGeologyProf Marlina ElburgBig data and the source of sediments
Wednesday, 25 MayChemical SciencesProf Soraya MalingaDendritic polymer integrated nanostructured membranes for water remediationYouTube
Wednesday, 25 MayStatisticsProf C.J PotgieterUnsupervised Learning for Improved Assessment of Student Reading Fluency.YouTube

Second Semester

DateDepartmentSpeakerTopic/Theme/TitleWatch Now
Friday, 22 JulyDMAMDr Chirove, FaraimunasheThe mathematical modelling and complex disease dynamics synergy: Insights into Hepatitis B infection progression and control within the host.Facebook
Friday, 29 JulyPhysicsProf Hartmut WinklerSouth Africa’s electricity options and potential developments over the next few yearsUJ LibGuides
Wednesday, 3 AugDMAMProf Byron Jacobs4IR in Medtech: Data driven problem solving from applied mathematics to clinical implementationYouTube
Wednesday, 10 AugZoologyProf Richard GreenfieldMicroplastics in the aquatic environmentFacebook
Friday, 12 AugPhysicsProf Emmanuela CarleschiThe Physics of string instrumentsYouTube
Wednesday, 17 AugGeologyProf Axel HofmannThe earliest traces of life on Earth – How do they look and where do you find them?Facebook
Friday, 26 AugustGEMESProf Isaac RampediMunicipal solid waste management from a global and South African perspectiveUJ LibGuides
Wednesday, 31 AugBotany & Plant BiotechnologyProf Michelle van der BankNational Botanical Garden Malaise Programme South Africa – A model to fast-track biodiversityFacebook
Friday, 16 SepBotany & Plant BiotechnologyProf Ben-Erik van WykMedicinal Plants – local and global perspectivesFacebook
Friday, 7 OctStatisticsDr Hilda DhlakamaCensus; you’ve been counted, why and what now? – (4IR)YouTube
Wednesday, 12 OctBiotechnology & Food TechnologyMr Tumisi MolelekoaNovel and emerging technologies in Food and Agricultural industries – (4IR)YouTube
Wednesday, 19 OctZoologyProf Peter TeskeeDNA metabarcoding: a new way to document biodiversityYouTube
Wednesday, 19 OctBiotechnology & Food TechnologyMr Tumisi MolelekoaHow Salty is your food?YouTube

Public Lectures – 2021

In 2021, the Faculty of Science coordinated 11 public lectures. The public lectures were hosted online using Microsoft Teams Live Streaming in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Lockdown restrictions. The aim of public lectures is to promote Pan-African public scholarship for critical intellectual inquiry and to promote science to a wider audience. Subsequently, the public lectures attract stakeholders such as undergraduate and postgraduate students, staff members and members of the public. During the lectures, speakers also inform and educate attendees about research activities within the Faculty. The public lectures present exceptional research contributions within the Faculty and highlight the involvement of academics in addressing real and material problems in society and the environment. The topics of the public lectures in 2021 covered a wide variety of topics, including data privacy and the 4IR, water insecurity in Gauteng, fungal soil diversity and a number of COVID 19 related topics

Public Lectures – 2020

In 2020, the Faculty of Science hosted 7 public lectures (4 virtual) and 1 book discussion on 4IR (in partnership with the UJ Library). To all our speakers (Prof F Shode, Prof B van Vuuren, Dr S Herbst, Dr P Mohanty, Dr Y Shiferaw, Dr T Makhubela and Mr T Molelekoa), Thank You!

Public Lectures – 2019

In 2019, Faculty’s Marketing Office coordinated twenty-six (25) public lectures and a book discussion, across three campuses, Kingsway Campus, Doornfontein Campus and Bunting Campus. The topics of the public lectures covered a wide variety of topics, including, “Women in Physics in South Africa”, “At Death’s Door: The latest scientific data on climate change”, “Dark Matter: A Journey into the Dark Universe” and “Sexual selection: an important driver of evolution”.

Special Public lectures – 2019

On 2 April 2019, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) conferred an honorary doctoral degree on Professor Bernard Lucas Feringa, Nobel Laureate 2016: Chemistry, in recognition of his remarkable contributions to developing a molecular motor, the world’s tiniest machine. Applications of molecular switches developed in his research group include light-switchable protein channels for nanoscale drug delivery systems, and photo-switchable DNA as a molecular memory stick.

Moreover, Prof Feringa presented two public lectures on 2 & 3 April 2019 at 13:00 – 14:00 at Protea Auditorium, School of Tourism and Hospitality, University of Johannesburg Bunting Campus, Bunting Road, Auckland Park.

Public Lectures – 2018

In 2018, the Faculty presented 21 public lectures. Some of the topics included: Slum Tourism in Johannesburg, Personal Information For Sale. Sold! How and why birds fly, Mathematics and Security: The Mathematical basis of RSA, Nature’s wonderful laboratory and pharmacy, and What science hides in your breakfast?

Public Lectures – 2017

In 2017, the Faculty of Science presented over 18 public lectures at the UJ Library and other venues, with presentations by more than 18 academics. Topics varied widely and included, the ecological role of humankind, food myths and nutrition, DNA barcoding, and sexual selection – choosing the right mating partner. There were also provocative topics such as the Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering’s lecture on “Curse of the Password: Sex, Alcohol, and Insanity”. Most departments used this opportunity to give students a glimpse into their areas of expertise. Visiting Professors also contributed to special lectures. Distinguished Visiting Professor Suprakas Sinha Ray, who is almost a permanent staff member at the Faculty, presented on innovation and linking research with industry. A Visiting Professor from the University of California (Irvine), Professor Gregory Weiss spoke on “Making Enzymes Dance and Sing”. Another Visiting Professor and Chemistry Nobel Laurette, Professor Michael Levitt, presented a lecture on the “Birth and Future of Multiscale Modeling of Macromolecules”.